Thursday, April 2, 2015

Free e-books

There are many, many free books on beekeeping available on the Internet.  Below is a list of some of my favorites and they are available for free download from (just follow the links).  There are several formats available but I find the PDF versions the best because they contain the original art work and can be read by many different devices such as computer, tablet and smart phone.

They are obviously old but not much of the material is out of date (well, some of the prices quoted certainly don't apply to today!).  There is nothing on Varroa mites either but the basic explanations of bee behavior is better, IMHO, than any much more modern work.

"Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee" Revised, Enlarged and Completed by Chas. Dadant & Son, 1909

"Beginners Bee Book" Frank C. Pellett, 1919

"Productive Bee-Keeping" Frank C. Pellett, 1916

"Practical Queen-Rearing" Frank C. Pellet, 1918

"American Honey Plants" Frank C. Pellet, 1920

"Improved Queen-Rearing" Henry Alley, 1903

"Dadant System of Beekeeping" C. P. Dadant, 1920

"The Honey Bee - A Manual of Instruction in Apiculture" Frank Benton, 1895


  1. Hello James,
    Do you have a good source of foundation for Layens sized frames?

  2. No, I don't. I prefer to go without any foundation, just let the bees build natural comb. I do put in fishing line in my standard deep frames to strengthen the comb. For a Layens frame you might put in a deep or medium sheet across the top and let the bees draw out the rest as they like (might get some drone comb, but that is not all bad).

    Also you might visit Dr. Leo's page at for more info on Layens hives.
